Our Location

      111 Fountains Blvd,

      Madison, MS 39110

      Urinary Incontinence

      Holistic Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

      For The Whole Patient.

      Urinary Incontinence Treatment Madison MS

      At Innovative Health, conservative, non-surgical measures are always the first option in treatment, and they come in a wide (and growing) variety themselves.

      After a detailed history and physical examination, every patient is provided with an individualized plan of care. Initial steps to getting your problem under control will include behavior modification such as timed voiding techniques, fluid modification and dietary counseling, drug therapy and exercises designed to strengthen pelvic muscles.

      After your very first visit to Innovative Health, you may find yourself taking advantage of some of the following common treatment options.


      These soft silicone devices fit inside the vagina to provide support for the pelvis. They are a common and effective treatment for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Pessaries have been used for centuries and are available in many different sizes and shapes that are expertly fit to meet the needs of each patient. Pessaries offer a safe and effective alternative for the patient who cannot have surgery due to health reasons, or for those who simply wish to avoid or postpone surgery. Pessary fitting and management are done in the office setting by the female nurse practitioners at Innovative Health.

      Kegel Exercises

      Initially, nearly all patients are instructed on Kegel (rhymes with bagel) Exercises. These simple exercises have been used for years to successfully treat weak pelvic muscles, mild pelvic organ prolapse and many types of incontinence. Patients are taught to tighten and relax the pelvic floor muscles in a series. These exercises can provide impressive results but must be done correctly and on a regular basis to be effective.

      Diagnostic Physiotherapy Testing- Further testing may be conducted if conservative measures such as diet changes and Kegels are unsuccessful. Diagnostic physiotherapy testing includes computerized electrical and pressure evaluation of the muscles of the pelvic floor using vaginal and rectal sensors. The findings of the tests are computer analyzed and used to develop an advanced treatment program tailored to your specific needs. Various techniques may then be recommended including:

      Biofeedback Therapy

      Biofeedback therapy has been utilized for more than 40 years to treat many medical conditions from headaches to high blood pressure. It may also be used in the treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic muscle weakness and pelvic pain. Sensors are placed in the vagina, rectum and on the abdominal surface which are then analyzed by computer. The computer is able to generate images that provide useful "feedback." These painless therapy sessions are usually done on a weekly basis in our office, and very effective in gaining awareness, increasing strength and promoting control of the pelvic muscles.

      Pressure Manometry

      Uses computer technology to evaluate the muscles of the pelvic floor and to provide an exact recommendation of pelvic floor exercise. This effective technique is used in the treatment of incontinence as well as pelvic muscle weakness. Pressure sensitive readings are taken from either the vagina or rectum using a balloon sensor filled with air. Readings are then computer analyzed to determine strength and fatigue points and can be compared from session to session. Pressure Manometry is painless and may be done at weekly or biweekly intervals or greater to accurately monitor progress.

      Pelvic Stimulation

      (Also known as e-stim) Pelvic Stimulation is used in the treatment of pelvic muscle weakness, urge, stress and mixed urinary incontinence. A process called neuromuscular electrical stimulation delivers a gentle stimulus to the pelvic area that causes muscle contraction. This therapy can be used to treat muscle weakness and stress incontinence and helps to strengthen and tone muscles. Pelvic stimulation may also be used to relax the bladder muscle and ease muscle contraction in patients with overactive bladder and urge incontinence. Stimulation is delivered to the pelvis through a small tampon-like vaginal transmitter or using a suppository sized rectal transmitter. Weekly treatments are typically painless, last approximately 15 minutes and are done in our office.

      Tibeal Nerve Stimulation

      Used in the treatment of urgency, frequency, overactive bladder and urge incontinence. The Urgent PC Neuromodulation System delivers a small battery powered stimulus through an electrode placed near the tibeal nerve (near the ankle) to the nerves controlling the bladder. The painless treatments are done weekly for 12 weeks in our office.

      Our Location

      Innovative Health LLC
      111 Fountains Blvd
      Madison, MS 39110
      Phone: (769) 241-3447

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